Halfway ThereDo not be scared by the very very blonde mustache, or by ruby-red, kissable lips. It’s 15th MOVEMBER, the month where Mo’Bros around the world grow a mustache to support research and awareness of men’s health. All proceeds go to funding prostate and testicular cancers and men’s mental health research. If you’re feeling generous, sponsor me! We’ve only got 15 days left!

(PS — anyone who donates $50 USD or more will get a signed hardcover of my Librarian.)

Speaking of it being the 15th, there are only TEN DAYS LEFT until the Goodreads giveaway for my last 10 signed hardcovers is over. It’s free to enter, free to win, and Goodreads is an amaaaazing site, so… what have you got to lose? Sign up and spread the words to your friends! My book’s worth it. 🙂

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends November 25, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Thymey Whymey

Thyme and BoardNo, I’m not cutting up some illegal herb; it’s THYME! Get the post’s title now? Hee-hee, Brian’s puns are bad.

Life has been pretty mundane lately, and that’s a reason to make every event a little more special. Tonight I cooked herb-marinated pork tenderloins, roasted right in the pan; I accompanied them with couscous and shallots, Vichy carrots, and a green salad with a Dijon vinaigrette. Simple, rustic French cookery. Om-nom-nom.

Excitingly, I get to pop over to the library tomorrow to speak with the senior librarian about Librarian, and it just-so-happens that the main branch is across the street from one of my favorite local watering holes. There’s a connection her: MOAR WORK ON APPRENTICE (I’ve made no secret that I work best from pubs)!

I really need to push out the next couple chapters, and errrg, tonight was one of those nights in the shower when I was like, “Damn, I think this might need to be longer than a trilogy…” — no, Brian! NO! Squash that thought right now!


Emptying out excess inventory and to once again promote Librarian before its sequel hits the shelves next year, I’ve started a Goodreads Giveaway for the final ten hardcover copies I have in my personal possession.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Librarian by Brian Fence


by Brian Fence

Giveaway ends November 25, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

They’ve be signed and mailed out as soon as the contest ends, November 25th, so enter to win! After all, it’s free! If you happen to be a lucky winner, please leave a review. 😀

Happy (chilly) Monday!

/cast “Book Love” on Bao

I’ve made it no secret in my past several posts that I’ve been hooked — okay, I’m a junkie — on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I think it’s some sort of validation for how hard I worked as a white mage back in the days of FFXI.

Anyway, last night I told my Free Company (the equivalent of a guild, for those uninformed) that I was a writer, and they not only showed tremendous support but several members purchased copies of Librarian! If that’s not the magic of friendship, I don’t know what is, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t join the right FC.

Thanks, everyone!

PS — on chapter twelve! Eagerly awaiting beta-reader feedback!

High-Waisted Jeans and Compilations

As the title suggests, yes: I’m wearing high-waisted jeans. These are, however, helpful in sculpting an absolute perfectly-shaped bum, so I am willing to suffer a little for the sake of selling more books (pics to come, I promise). In any case, when in London…

The weather has been beautiful, and despite my gamboling about the parks and imbibing all of Blighty’s ale, I actually have been productive. I’m wrapping up chapter nine of Librarian‘s sequel, Apprentice (webpage to come soon, too), and as the conclusion of chapter eight ends on quite a revelation about the NATURE OF THINGS, I figured now was a good time as any to start looking for beta-readers.

So if you read my blog and have read the first book, you know the deal. Hit me up, and I’ll send you the rough first draft of the chapters 1-8.

Anywho. Back to work (and wine). I’m getting ready for the production of an audiobook, so watch out! Soon you’ll be able to bitch about Lenna in your cars, trains, or as you drift to sleep at night with your device of choice in your ear.

Hunting for Dragons

Ah! It was so amazing to catch up with my former flatmate from Oxford, Megan! She’s my favorite dragon, and it’s gladdening to know that I can just pick up with her as though we’ve never stopped living together, even though it’s been… what, four years?

I had a very non-productive weekend (read: I did NO WORK ON APPRENTICE), but the market was lovely yesterday, and I had yet another delicious lunch. I WILL LOSE A STONE YET!

Heading back to Oxford this week, meeting up with some old friends, doing a SEKRIT SIGNING)… much excitement! I proooomise, however, to make sure I get some work done on Apprentice, as chapter eight is nearly finished and I’ll be proactively hunting for beta-readers.

Also, people are starting to finish up Librarian and the reviews are pretty nice! Check it out on Amazon!

Working Hard (Needz Visa)

Hello from Blighty!

I’m currently sitting in a local pub, drinking far too much beer and eating food less healthful than I should be. I justify this by walking over 5 miles a day, hitting up all the shops in London that I shouldn’t be blowing my royalties on.

That being said, I love pub writing, and I’ve now cleared that horrible hurdle of writer’s block that was chapter six of Apprentice. Clear sailing into chapter seven, and I’m pumping out about 3000 words a day so far (well, it’s only been two days, but stil…)!

Hopefully by the time I head back to the States (1) the first draft of Apprentice should be ready to be torn apart by my editor/beta-readers, and (2) the weather there should be less horrible.

Oh well, back to work! And to my UK fans, my short-run for signed copies of Librarian here are running out, so if you need one, make sure to track me down ASAP!




Get my cute pun? My Goodreads giveaway is over, so congratulations to the ten lucky winners across the US and UK! Your books are on their way!

I was told that a standard Goodreads giveaway gets about 800 entrants, but by midnight last night I had around 1400! That’s really promising!

Thanks for all the support, guys, and for those of you who will be receiving a copy in the mail in the next few days, I hope you enjoy Librarian!

Packages Out!

Almost a Pumpkin

The hour is nearly there! At midnight EDT, my Goodreads giveaway officially ends! Out of the 1000+ people who have entered, the lucky winner could be YOU and you could find yourself in possession of your very owned signed copy of Librarian! If you haven’t entered, you should do so ASAP, ’cause time is running out, and it’s a damn good book.

Due to family issues and misc. drama, not much work was made on Apprentice this week, but on Friday I’m going back to England for a monthAre you excited? I am! IT MEANS WRITING TIME WITH LOTS OF BEER!

On another happy note, my garden yielded its bounty unto me and I’m confit-ing the crap out of it. 🙂 Stay cool outside, kiddos (and read).

Confit Time

July, Come Back!

This month has practically FLOWN by, meaning my Goodreads giveaway only has a week or so left, so if you haven’t entered to win a signed copy of Librarian (paperback only), you should do so! Stat!

We’ve had some miserable weather, some family troubles, and in my own case, a bit of writer’s block this month, so I wish I could rewind and start it over on a better foot. Don’t worry, though, Apprentice is still on track; chapters 1-5 are already out to early beta-readers, and barring any more of this horrific slump I’m in I should be able to get a couple more chapters in before I head off to England.

Worry not, though: I’ll still be hard at work even though I’m technically on vacation (just most likely I’ll be working from a pub instead of my office).

Keep cool, kiddos!
